Bagdad és notícia quan l'esgarrifosa xifra de morts diaris sobrepassa els 250 (cada vegada val menys la vida d'un iraquià!) o mor algun company de professió en exercici i aquest treballava per a un mitjà amb pedigrí. Saif Aldin era iraquià, però treballava per al Wahington Post. És la primera baixa del prestigiós rotatiu des que les tropes nord-americanes van envair l'antiga Babilònia el març de 2003. Saif Aldin ha mort executat d'un tret al cap amb la càmera de fotos a la mà. El cos sense vida l'han cobert amb paper de diari...
Llegiu l'article de Joshua Partlow i Amit R. Paley al Post d'avui (
"Saif Aldin always came back -- from death threats, from beatings, from kidnappings, from detentions by American soldiers, from the country's most notorious and deadly terrain -- but on Sunday he didn't. The 32-year-old Iraqi reporter in The Washington Post's Baghdad bureau was shot once in the forehead in the southwestern neighborhood of Sadiyah. He was the latest in a long line of reporters, most of them Iraqis, to be killed while covering the Iraq war. He was the first for The Washington Post. (...) Residents of the neighborhood and Iraqi military officers at the scene said Saif Aldin was killed while taking photographs on a street where several houses had been burned. His wounds appeared to indicate he was shot at close range. His body was later observed lying on the street, covered with newspapers."
Nou periodistes que treballaven per a mitjans espanyols han mort en conflictes arreu del món des del 1980. Els que han tingut més sort continuen fent-ho perquè morts injustes com les de Bagdad no caiguin en l'oblit.
Us recomano una visita a la sala d'exposicions de l'Obra Social de Caja Madrid a Plaça Catalunya 9 de Barcelona on fins al cap d'any es pot veure "Batecs d'un món convuls": 10 mirades, cent imatges de reporters de guerra espanyols...
Llegiu l'article de Joshua Partlow i Amit R. Paley al Post d'avui (
"Saif Aldin always came back -- from death threats, from beatings, from kidnappings, from detentions by American soldiers, from the country's most notorious and deadly terrain -- but on Sunday he didn't. The 32-year-old Iraqi reporter in The Washington Post's Baghdad bureau was shot once in the forehead in the southwestern neighborhood of Sadiyah. He was the latest in a long line of reporters, most of them Iraqis, to be killed while covering the Iraq war. He was the first for The Washington Post. (...) Residents of the neighborhood and Iraqi military officers at the scene said Saif Aldin was killed while taking photographs on a street where several houses had been burned. His wounds appeared to indicate he was shot at close range. His body was later observed lying on the street, covered with newspapers."
Nou periodistes que treballaven per a mitjans espanyols han mort en conflictes arreu del món des del 1980. Els que han tingut més sort continuen fent-ho perquè morts injustes com les de Bagdad no caiguin en l'oblit.
Us recomano una visita a la sala d'exposicions de l'Obra Social de Caja Madrid a Plaça Catalunya 9 de Barcelona on fins al cap d'any es pot veure "Batecs d'un món convuls": 10 mirades, cent imatges de reporters de guerra espanyols...
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