"No es agradable estar solo con pensamientos lúgubres en el silencio blanco" (Jack London, The White Silence, 1899)

"Sí, el món ens ensenya a ser humils. Perquè vaig tornar d'aquell viatge avergonyit de la meva ignorància"
(Ryszard Kapuscinski, Viatges amb Heròdot, 2004)


Africa, our future

In 15 years one billion of Africa's whole population will be under 17! Surviving poverty, Aids and armed conflicts, these children will have the chance to bring some hope to the old --really old-- Europe when we finally realize that the most dangerous draught is not in our growing deserts but in our minds.

Dear friends, sorry for being away from this blog for some time, but a new job a the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (www.uoc.edu), a trip to Burundi to assess the impact of sport in one of the most forgotten corners of the world, and the follow up in Lausanne of the seminar on the Autonomy of sport and the Olympic Movement, kept me too busy... Not to mention the great party at Barcelona's Oven last month and the first Hell's Rats Harley Davidson tour!

Will come back soon with great new stories picked from these unique events... Stay tuned! Thanks for being there.

Best regards,
